Rider Showcase Package SPRING A DING DING 2024
The motoplayground all-inclusive media package with unprecedented quality, providing you with an end-product that contains an edited video using the images we capture during the event to provide you with an official DIRTY100 DING Promo social media reel... as well as magazine print quality riding images.
Our media team will compile media and images from throughout the event to create a personal showcase that you can share on your social channels as well as with sponsors.
Rider Showcase packages are $99 buckaroos and will include a
personalized MOTOPLAYGROUND OFFICIAL DIRTY100 DING SOCIAL MEDIA EDIT using images- All of the photographs featured in the edit will be attached for you to download full-Rez and use as you please. (MINIMUM 10 IMAGES) will be sent within 3 days after the event. Video less than a week.
Each rider that registers for the Showcase Media Package will be sent instructions to meet with our photographer at the Motoplayground Everyone Booth to have head shots done during outdoor Practice.